Harvest report 2023

2023 will be the first Harvest Report that includes weights for all most of the harvest.

It’s also one of the years I feel was a complete flop.

A failed harvest

Although lots of plants were in the ground, I was slack on watering and failed at harvest time.

Both the early and main crop potatoes grew well but I never harvested them.

The courgette were too tightly packed in the bed, along with a lack of watering mean that they didn’t produce anywhere near the amount they should have.

The strawberry bed is still over run, so another year without a harvest.

Harvest report 2023

All measurements will be in grams.

PlantWeight (g)
Runner Beans20

Plans to fix the problems for 2024

Watering has to be a key priority.

The strawberries need pulling up and a plan for planting them somewhere else; In a different format where they can be better controlled, rather than taking over a whole 8×4 foot bed.

Re-fertilising the beds with compost. At the back end of 2023 the hotbin was emptied and the compost added to all of the beds apart from the strawberry bed.


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One response to “Harvest report 2023”

  1. […] plants ready as 2023 was a bad year for my harvest due to a lack of time in the allotment. Read the 2023 harvest report for more […]

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